How Many Grams in a Tablespoon of Coffee? Coffee Talks of 2023

How many Grams in a Tablespoon of Coffee?

There was a time when we used to make coffee using measurements that came from the heart. But no more. Because the latest coffee-making trends are based on painfully accurate measurements and innovative flavors.

So yes, some coffee recipes do call for exact measurement of coffee granules in grams. You can no longer dump a tableful of coffee into a cup of water and call it a day. We are all about meticulous details and perfection now.

So, coming back to the question, how many grams in a tablespoon of coffee?
A tablespoon of coffee holds approximately 5 grams. I wish I could finish my answer to this, but unfortunately, life doesn’t always work that way.

The real answer is that the number of grams per tablespoon of coffee differs according to the type of coffee, whether it is roasted or green, and other factors like the type of spoon you are referring to (normal tablespoon or coffee scoop?) and whether the coffee you are measuring is ground or not. All coffees have different masses, so they cannot be measured the same way.

grams in a tablespoon of coffee

How can we measure coffee accurately?

Just like we have different types of tools and technology for every mundane thing we do, we have specialty tools to brew coffee, too. One of the simplest of these tools is a digital scale, which we use to measure the weight of our coffee in grams.

Since we are dealing with grams of coffee and not kilograms, it’s best we go for a good quality digital electronic scale so we don’t miss out on any beans. In the ‘proper’ coffee-making world, we find it more accurate to measure coffee by weight rather than by volume (cups and tablespoons). This is because all coffees have different masses, as I mentioned earlier.

One of the factors that affect coffee measurements is the moisture content. Roasted coffee has less moisture content than unroasted green coffee beans. The same amount of coffee will weigh about 15-20% less when they are roasted than when they are green.
The more you roast your coffee, the darker you roast it, and the less moisture content it will have when you measure.

Accuracy in measuring coffee is important because you need to get the right amount of coffee per cup to make a perfect brew. Too much coffee would leave a bitter aftertaste and lack sweetness. On the other hand, too little coffee will make a weak and watery concoction that is not coffee-worthy.

However, there are no regulations as to the ‘right’ amount of coffee per cup or liter. Some prefer more caffeine content in their cups, and others like don’t. Some coffee types call for more coffee content, while others are scandalously caffeine-free. Most coffee professionals have a consensus of using 60 grams of coffee per liter.

The best way to determine exactly how much coffee you must add it’s best to use brewing ratios. Every type of coffee brew will have a different ratio. A coffee-to-water ratio of 1:15 would mean that you need to add one part coffee for 15 parts water. This would be 20g of coffee for 300g of water.

Read this for the ultimate guide to brewing ratios to make the perfect cup of coffee.

When measuring coffee by scale, place the coffee in a flat, even scale and be as precise as possible. It is always best to weigh your coffee before grinding because that way, you will have the exact amount you need. If you measure after grinding, then you will have too much or too little coffee.

In conclusion

If you want to know how many grams in a tablespoon of coffee, there are approximately 5 grams. Weighing coffee to get exact measurements is the most accurate method since methods of measurement by volume are flawed. This is because coffee mass varies according to many factors, including variety, size and roast.

Also read: The latest fads behind hipster coffee.

*All pics are courtesy of

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